Hasil gambar untuk dabanking
Dabanking platform is a project that is created to become the first utility blockcain platform in creating an enabling environment where users can build DApps that will provide decentralized entertainment services to users globally. With the use of blockchain and smart contract, users are made to experience Farness, transparency and maximum satisfaction in DABANKING Game platform.
The unique nature of the blockchain has led to the integration of several projects in different aspect of lives into the blockchain in this article I shall be introducing you to an innovative project on the blockchain that provides a platform where users can build their own entertainment DApp as well as play fomojackpot with Eth to earn DApp token.
Decentralized Applications (DAPP) is becoming more known recently due to the advantage it has when comparing to other traditional Game Applications. The good thing is that with DApp there is a privilege for users due to advantages of unprecedented Applications that offers transparency, stability and high security for users.

Presently, there is a rapid growth witnessed in the online gaming industry, over 2.3 billion users play games on these platforms according to statistics and more people are joining every day. This Gaming market is said to be generating a huge amount of over $103 every year as revenue.
But the problem faced by game developers these days is lack of the ability for them to prove the existence and the right ownership of assets in the game industry. This lack of proper identification of ownership most times leads to fraudulent activities in the industry. But the use of blockcgain technology and Ethereum smart contract on DABANKING will allow the identity of the real owner of any assets in the Game industry to be known. And this is enough to boost the confidence of users and make them believe that their rightful assets will be given to them with the use of blockchain.
DABANKING is designed in such a way that it will update with new Games every quarter of the year to be able to meet up with the demands of users as entertainment and also be able to generate more income to the community and incentives and rewards to users.

1. Instant income
As each round is starting a user is supposed to buy a ticket, and the faster he or she buys a ticket with the higher the winning multiplier and the more opportunity or chances a user has to increase his or her income upto a maximum of 650% of the amount spent at zero round and upto 500% of the amount spent from round 1 onward.

2. Winning Income
There are four categories of treasure that a player can win when buying a ticket. The user has the chance of winning a huge amount of Eth in different categories such as: Diamond chcest ,Rubby chest, Gold chest as well as Silver chest. ALSo, a player with a ticket can will many different prizes at the same time using one ticket.

Divined pool is designed to contain 10% of the all the total ETH ticket bought and all profits of fomogames. Also, every two weeks the dividend pool will be paid out to users. 70% of the Eth in the pool is shared equally to all accounts that have frozen DAA token and since the dividend is a continuous process, the remaining 30% Eth will be added to the next Dividend that will be paid after two weeks.
Also. Users have to know that at the end of all dividend payment for the week, all frozen DAA will be unfrozen and users who wish to receive next dividend will have to get their token frozen again.

More info: Website :
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Author : X7+
bitcointalk profile:;u=1141171
eth address: 0xe3ffc631e711Bb8AE8aAc37458981C60923519c8

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