Hello my friends, I’m here again to give a good review of the good Neluns project with a great team. As you know before, my review is always based on good and good projects that will benefit every investor and community member. This is another extraordinary project that is different from every other project in the field. I know you must be wondering and asking yourself which project has caught my attention, which project really deserves this great review.
Neluns is the modern financial ecosystem, bringing together a bank that will operate both with fiat and crypto. Also, it will include itself a cryptocurrency exchange and insurance company, making the best conditions for the quality evolution of the cryptocurrency market.
To solve current problems like limiting cryptocurrency in daily use, the possibilites of market participants, it is need for an innovative and wide solution. Neluns goal is to combine the cryptocurrency market with the financial one. Also, Neluns is going to brake down all barriers and to solve some of big problems which are present now and prevent the interaction of human with cryptocurrency world. Neluns is coming with a solution of current problems, bringing innovative idea and technologies.
The Neluns system consists of these elements :
  1. Neluns Bank is the implementation of the bank’s function tomorrow that easily handles fiat and cryptocurrency
  2. Exchange Neluns are modules that are developed using the latest technology to improve the security and speed of the cryptocurrency trading operations process
  3. Insurance elements part of the system can be used to ensure all or part of a user’s transaction in the ecosystem
System features highlight :
  1. Cryptocurrency trading operations run with a few clicks
  2. Fast and cost-effective cryptocurrency exchange
  3. Withdrawal of funds and deposits from anywhere you go with the App
  4. Option to open a personal IBAN account or company that supports multicurrency
  5. Visa, MC, Amex debit and credit cards can be issued and linked to a multicurrency account in the system
  6. International money transfers can be sent and received from within the system
  7. Create interest to generate deposits in fiat or cryptocurrency
  8. Get loans from Neluns in fiat and cryptocurrency
  9. Get loan interest to other users through the P2P (Peer-to-peer) Lending Platform
  10. Exchange NLS trades on currency exchanges and withdraw profits
  11. Selected or all trades can be insured
  12. Get dividends
  13. Active market participants enjoy lower risk levels and generate extra profits
Neluns Bank offers product lines for retail and corporate clients. Banks are as easy as handling transactions in fiat and cryptocurrency. The concept of a multicurrency account allows users to execute transactions in either traditional currencies (such as dollars or euros) or cryptocurrency. You can link the bank card to a multicurrency account.
The product line consists of related software product bank cards. The following products are available for retail and corporate clients: Lite, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

This transaction is handled by a P2P state-of-art loan platform that replaces the role of traditional retail and investment banks. Basically it removes proxies and connects directly to clients giving them security, transparency and flexibility in terms of how they prefer to deal with money. Cutting intermediaries and moving to the next generation of financial ecosystems brings a significant reduction in transaction costs.
Exchange Neluns use the principle of “Bank Guarantee” for smart contracts that govern the execution of transactions. In addition to pre-determined contracts, custom user customization can adjust coverage to include various events and conditions, change the scope to include some or all transactions. Business logic is implemented using top notch technology to ensure additional security, rapid withdrawal of funds and load balancing to meet high service demand. The team believes that Nelun’s financial ecosystem must create the best conditions in the class for both cryptocurrency traders and their funds.

What is the NLS token ?
  1. The NLS token is a security token, profits of the Neluns ecosystem are quarterly distributed to NLS token holders in proportion to the quantity of tokens held. NLS token holders will receive 50% profits.
Why is it profitable to acquire NLS tokens ?
  1. Token holders will receive additional bonuses and discounts when using the platform.
  2. 50% of the Neluns ecosystem profits are distributed quarterly to token holders based on the quantity of tokens they hold.
  3. The price of NLS tokens will grow alongside the growth of the Neluns ecosystem capitalization, which will allow token holders to receive additional profits.
  4. The price of one NLS token will reach $1,200 by 2021. In April 2020, the Neluns Blockchain Ecosystem plans to hold an IPO on the New York Stock Exchange.
  5. Tokens are released only during the ICO, additional token emissions are not planned.
  6. Simple conversions at appealing rates and NLS token liquidity will be guaranteed after listing on large cryptocurrency exchanges such as Bittrex, Huobi, OK-EX, HitBTC, Poloniex, Bitfinex, Binance, YoBit.
Neluns TokenSale :
  1. Pre-Sale :
  2. Hard Cap — $2.000.000
  3. Soft Cap — $500.000
  4. 1 stage (round), pre-sale, stage (round) length 14 days, from 08–01–2018 to 08–15–2018.
  5. Pre-ICO :
  6. Hard Cap — $10.000.000
  7. Soft Cap — $2.000.000
  8. 2 stage (round), pre-ICO, stage (round) length 21 days, from 08–15–2018 to 09–05–2018.
Funds Distribution :

RoadMap :
  1. November 2017 : Neluns team Formulation
  2. December 2017 : ICO preparations
  3. May 2018 : IOS mobile application beta testing
  4. June 2018 : Holding of a closed investment round for investment funds and anchor investors
  5. July 2018 : Preparations for the NLS token sale
  6. August 2018 : Pre-sale of NLS tokens, pre-ICO
  7. September 2018 : NLS token ICO, mobile application launch (beta version) for iOS and Android
  8. October 2018 : Listing on the cryptocurrency exchange,,
  9. November 2018 : Launch of the p2p lending platform, launch of mobile applications (alpha version) for iOS and Android
  10. December 2018 : Listing on the cryptocurrency exchange,,,,
  11. January 2019 : Obtaining a license for Neluns Bank, launch of a payment service for converting cryptocurrencies and executing the transfer of funds to any part of the world, connecting Neluns Bank to Swift, start of Visa, MasterCard, American Express bankcard issuance
  12. February 2019 : Obtaining a CFTC license and launching the Neluns Exchange — an innovative cryptocurrency exchange
  13. April 2019 : Launch of the full-fledged Neluns ecosystem
  14. April 2020 : IPO (initial public offering) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
For more information, please check the link below :

Author : X7+
bitcointalk profile:;u=1141171
eth address: 0xe3ffc631e711Bb8AE8aAc37458981C60923519c8
Gambar terkait
Neluns is the innovative financial ecosystem, combining within itself a bank, which operates with fiat and cryptocurrencies, thus, creating conditions for the quality development of the cryptocurrency market and inflow of new participants and new capital. There are 3 main elements in Neluns ecosystem includes: Neluns Bank, Neluns Exchange, and Neluns Insurance.
Users will have to pass a verification procedure to start working with the Neluns ecosystem. Users can use email, social network, mobile number, or identity for verification There are 3 levels of a verification system. These levels will affect users participation on the Neluns ecosystem and the amount of money you can trade, from $300 to unlimited amount.
Neluns Bank
Neluns Bank, a new generation bank, is presenting all key fiat banking services with cryptocurrencies. Neluns Bank will carry out activities combining classical banking and banking on the Blockchain. In the future, Neluns Bank, together with its partners, will transition to its own Blockchain for international settlement purposes.

Neluns Bank users will have access to IBAN (International Bank Account Number), personal and corporate multicurrency accounts. IBAN is a unique identifier helping banks process payments from person to person automatically. The IBAN contains all necessary information of the owner of a bank account such as the account number, bank, branch information, and country code.
Neluns Card :

Neluns Bank will connect to a variety of payment systems (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and others). Holders of cards issued by Neluns Bank, will be able to pay for purchases in both fiat and cryptocurrencies and deposit fiat in any ATM, anywhere in the world, onto their bank accounts. Bank cards will be available in 4 types (lite, silver, gold, and platinum) depend on user verification level.
Neluns mobile app

Applications for iOS and Android will make it easy to transfer, exchange operations, receiving and giving out loans in fiat and cryptocurrencies (P2P-crediting) anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds.
The Neluns Token
The NLS token holders will receive dividends of 50% of the profits of the Neluns ecosystem each quarter in proportion to the number of tokens held comparative to the total number of tokens in circulation. Each year, 3% of the tokens will be burned.

  1. Token type: Security
  2. Standard: ERC-20
  3. Symbol: NLS
  4. 1 NLS token = 1 USD
  5. Soft Cap: 10M USD
  6. Hard Cap: 112M USD


  • November 2017Neluns team Formulation
  • December 2017ICO preparations
  • May 2018IOS mobile application beta testing
  • June 2018Holding of a closed investment round for investment funds and anchor investors
  • July 2018Preparations for the NLS token sale
  • August 2018
  • Pre-sale of NLS tokens, pre-ICO
  • September 2018
  • NLS token ICO, mobile application launch (beta version) for iOS and Android
  • October 2018
  • Listing on the cryptocurrency exchange,,
  • November 2018
  • Launch of the p2p lending platform, launch of mobile applications (alpha version) for iOS and Android
  • December 2018
  • Listing on the cryptocurrency exchange,,,,
  • January 2019
  • Obtaining a license for Neluns Bank, launch of a payment service for converting cryptocurrencies and executing the transfer of funds to any part of the world, connecting Neluns Bank to Swift, start of Visa, MasterCard, American Express bankcard issuance
  • February 2019
  • Obtaining a CFTC license and launching the Neluns Exchange – an innovative cryptocurrency exchange
  • April 2019
  • Launch of the full-fledged Neluns ecosystem
  • April 2020
  • IPO (initial public offering) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

[Core team (HQ)]

The core team of Neluns are professionals with experience in Banking, Blockchain, Big Data, Business Development, Network Engineering, Software Engineering, Marketing. Join the Neluns Blockchain Ecosystem and earn 50% profit every quarter.
Dont forget to visit these link below:
Author : X7+
bitcointalk profile:;u=1141171
eth address: 0xe3ffc631e711Bb8AE8aAc37458981C60923519c8
Hasil gambar untuk urunit bounty
URUNit is a new project that’s been getting a lot of talk and popularity recently on most ico news sites ,This project is the only gambling platform 100% managed by its community.Players control the house, host all the games and receive most of the profit

i don’t know about anyone else thinking but I think That’s great news in my opinion,how many times have we gone to the casinos,bookies ,gambling houses or whatever and always felt like you where being cheated out of your money and not given a fair shot to win some money 

The house always wins at the expense f the gambler,but not anymore ..

The problem is that the vast majority of players lose and don't have even a slightest chance to affect the work of the casino in any way. Consequently, the game rules, as well as the rules of conduct for the players are determined entirely by the casino that strips the players to the thread, and gets its super-profits from them. Signs on the venues, bonus programs and technologies may change, but any casino still operates by the same principal. As a result, gambling market (including online) is filled with almost identical casinos that gives the gamers absolutely no choice as all of the casinos look pretty much the same

URUN is different and it’s the futures ,it is managed by the community,by we the gamblers where things are finally a little fair ,where you don’t have to feel like you being cheated.We the players control the house,host the games and receive a share and to me that’s more than fair and more than what we’ve gotten in the past.

This project is outstanding in opinion if I am to be honest ,because unlike most projects that are just a cloud of smoke this project aims to give back and make gambling fair and open and that’s progress .


Token: URUN
Token exchange rate: 1 URUN = 0,00125 ETH (1 ETH = 800 URUN)
Total number of tokens available: 80,000,000
Total tokens for sale: 60,000,000
Minimum goal (Soft Cap): 9,000,000 Tokens
Maximum target (Hard Cap): 60.000.000 Token
Currency received: ETH automatically (BTC, LTC, XRP, DASH - manually)


50% - first 15 days before Sale
40% - time remaining
20% - to-ICO
10% - first 10 days of ICO
5% - 10 days later ICO 

Bonus :

10% - September 1 - September 15th.
7.5% - September 16 - September 30th.
5% - October 1st - October 15th.
Minimum transaction amount = 0.05 ETH.
Current stage : Pre-Sale closed.

Token : URUN.
Token exchange rate : 1 URUN = 0.00125 ETH, (1 ETH = 800 URUN).

Unsold tokens will be distributed proportionally among those who purchase our tokens during the pre-Sales and ICO stages.


For more information, please visit the links below:
Author : X7+ bitcointalk profile:;u=1141171 eth address: 0xe3ffc631e711Bb8AE8aAc37458981C60923519c8
Image result for urunit bounty
URUNIT is the only 100% gambling platform managed by the community! Players control the house, host all games and receive most of the profits. It's time to change the game rules in Judi Universe. To break an established tradition, we just have to give control of the casino, to the players themselves. That is, really all the games, tables, poker rooms, slot machines, lotteries and so on are controlled by gamers, they entertain the game itself and receive most of the profits. It is also the only gambling platform with a declining number of tokens.

URUN The tokens issued during ICO are the only tokens that will be issued by U Run It. URUN Tokens will not be issued after ICO.0.5% of every transaction on platforms created in the URUN token "burned". Consider the URUN token as "fuel" for platform transaction processing. This "combustion process" is governed by smart contracts in blockchain. This means the number of available URUN tokens will continue to decline.

The Market Gambling Market

Gambling has grown from year to year. In early 2017, the gambling market worth $ 360 billion with $ 44.16 billion in online games. By the end of 2017, the online gambling market has risen to $ 47.4 billion. According to H2 Gambling Capital, the online game market share will continue to grow taking over most of the offline market. By 2022 the online gambling market will grow to an impressive sum of $ 81.7 billion.

Market problems

gambling Time passes, technology changes, but the main principle in the world of gambling remains the same: players come to the casino and spend their money hoping to win fast. The problem is that most players lose and don do not have the slightest chance of affecting casino work in any way. As a result, the rules of the game, as well as the rules of conduct for players are determined entirely by the casinos that peel the players to the thread, and get a super profit from them. The players are just cash cows. Signs in places, bonus programs and technology may change, but any casino still operates by the same principal. As a result, the gambling market (including online) is filled with almost identical Casinos that give gamers absolutely no choice as all casinos look almost identical.

Thus, the main issues of the market are:

Based on our survey, casino customers are very brave people who continue to seek action and newness; they get bored quickly, and are forced to move from one casino to another casino constantly looking for something different
It is very difficult for casinos to attract new players, and they are forced to spend most of the profits from advertising, bonuses, affiliate programs and other gimmicks to attract customers
No matter how much money the casino spends on retaining customers over maybe, it does not work - the customer will not last long.

The gambling market has obviously reached a dead end. Of course, casinos are trying to spend more money, using new technologies (such as blockchain) and emerging with new gimmicks to attract and retain new customers, but they are not very successful at it. The only way out of this situation is to change the basic principle of casino operation.

How is that possible?

Very simple. The solution is a completely new type of casino, a casino managed by players, who host all matches. In other words, really all games, card tables, poker rooms, tournaments, slot machines, lotteries, etc. In this casino is controlled by the players themselves. Each game is hosted by a particular player. This player specifies the game or host tournaments he hosts and becomes the owner of the game for now.

For example, each game is leased to one of the players at a nominal cost. Can be rented for an hour, a day, a week, or a month. During this lease, the game owner not only monitors what is happening, but also performs the basic function of a moderator. At the end of this period, the game owner receives most of the profit generated during the lease. A small fraction of the revenue will go into the casino to cover the cost of platform maintenance, further development, and allow a little profit for the owner.

More awesome features

What a player can do with his right to host a game
Private game
What a player can do with his rank.


For more information, please visit the links below:
Author : X7+ bitcointalk profile:;u=1141171 eth address: 0xe3ffc631e711Bb8AE8aAc37458981C60923519c8
Related image
Good night everybody, let me introduce you to this new but amazing project that will revolutionize the gambling platform now you see Cryptocurrency has been able to present an easy to use digital alternative to fiat currencies. Offering frictionless transactions and inflation control, investors have been prudent enough to add these currencies in their diversified portfolios as an asset, as the size of the market does not represent a systemic risk. Cryptocurrency employs the use of cryptography that assures high-security processes and verifies transactions personal to each user. Hence, counterfeiting and anonymous transactions are impossible to achieve.

While this revolution is gaining wide acceptance, URUNIT, the only gambling platform 100% managed by its community has arrived.


We are creating an online gambling platform where absolutely all the games will be hosted and controlled by the users of the platform. The platform is created as a “white label”, so we can sell it to other operators. This, in turn, will allow us to share the concept around the world in a short time and make it an industry standard.

Also, the platform has an open API (application programming interface). This will make it possible to add games created by third-party developers. This way the library of games on the platform can be constantly replenished and expanded with minimum time and money invested

This is How it works

Gambling Market

Gambling market has been growing year after year. In early 2017 gambling market was worth $360 billion with $44.16 billion in online games. By the end of 2017, the online gambling market increased to $47.4 billion. According to H2 Gambling Capital, market share of online games will continue to grow taking over most of the offline market. By 2022 online gambling market will grow up to an impressive amount of $81.7 billion.

Gambling market problems the project is addressing

Time goes by, technologies change, but the main principle in the world of gambling remains the same: players come to the casino and spend their money hoping for a quick win.The problem is that the vast majority of players lose and don’t have even a slightest chance to affect the work of the casino in any way. Consequently, the game rules, as well as the rules of conduct for the players are determined entirely by the casino that strips the players to the thread, and gets its super-profits from them. The players are only cash cows. Signs on the venues, bonus programs and technologies may change, but any casino still operates by the same principal. As a result, gambling market (including online) is filled with almost identical casinos that gives the gamers absolutely no choice as all of the casinos look pretty much the same.

Thus, the key issues of the market are:

• based on our surveys, casino customers are very venturous people who are constantly looking for action and novelty; they get bored quickly, and are forced to move from one casino to another constantly looking for something different

• it is very difficult for the casinos to attract new players, and they are forced to spend significant part of the profits on advertising, bonuses, affiliate programs and other gimmicks to attract customers

• no matter how much money casino spends to keep customers for as long as

possible, it doesn’t work - customers simply won’t stay for long.

Solution to addressing the problem

Gambling market has obviously reached the dead end. Of course, casinos try to spend more money, use new technologies (such as blockchain) and come up with new gimmicks to attract and retain new customers, but they are not very successful at it.

The only way out of this situation is to change the basic principles of the casino operation.

How is it possible? It’s very simple. The solution is an entirely new type of casino, the casino managed by the players, who host all the games. In other words, absolutely all games, card tables, poker rooms, tournaments, slot machines, lotteries, etc. in this casino are controlled by the players themselves. Each game is hosted by a certain player. This player determines parameters of the game or tournament he is hosting and becomes the owner of the game for the time being. Let’s say, each game is leased to one of the players for a nominal fee. It can be leased for an hour, a day, a week, or a month. During this lease, the owner of the game not only monitors what is going on, but also performs basic functions of a moderator. At the end of this period, the owner of the game receives most of the profit generated during his lease. A small share of revenue will go to the casino to cover the expenses for the maintenance of the platform, its further development, as well as allow a little profit for the owners.

Why you should choose URUNIT?

Years of Experience

We have a strong team with all the skills, expertise, and experience needed to launch the project and market it successfully. U Run This is the climax of our collective effort that incorporates the most efficient technology developed by our highly professional team.

No one has seen this before

This is yet another casino. This is a platform with a new business concept in his heart. Casinos and gambling platforms (including those in the development stage) are not even close to what we offer.

The flowers are amazing

We are experiencing tremendous interest in our platform. Both gamblers and investors are amazed by the brilliance of the idea. We are repeatedly told that this is the future of the gambling industry.

All in one solution

This is an all-in-one solution that covers every possible subsystem needed on the board. No holes or areas are not closed. In fact, other casino providers will become U Run It customers purchasing our software to fill the void in their offerings.

The number of users increases

In the next stage we will integrate additional modules (which can not be disclosed now as this is commercial secret) into the platform. This module is sure to blow up the market, and we expect a drastic growth in the number of our users.


Why should you buy URUN tokens?

Limited offer
URUN Smart Contract through the decentralized blockchain protocol ensures that only certain number of URUN tokens will be issued during ICO. There will be no more issues of tokens after the ICO.

Jackpot drawings
Every token holder can participate in our daily, weekly and monthly jackpot drawings. 70% of all tokens collected by the platform will be used for jackpot drawings.

Compliance with regulations
We have taken professional advice from the best lawyers specializing in finance cryptocurrency regulations. URUN token is clearly a utility token, not a security. This means fast listing on exchanges after the ICO.

Constant demand for tokens
URUN tokens are required to use U Run It platform, but the number of tokens circulation will constantly decrease. URUN tokens are used as "fuel" for all the transactions within the platform, and with every transaction a small number of tokens is "burnt" (they are taken out of circulation). However, in the same time the number of casino operators using our platform as well as overall number of players using URUN tokens will grow exponentially. Therefore, the demand for URUN tokens will constantly increase.

Technical excellence
Not only the programmers who developed our URUN smart contract, have over 3 years of experience in blockchain solutions, but also high quality and security of this smart contract was confirmed by the technical audit conducted by the best specialists in blockchain security.


  • Token: URUN
  • Token exchange rate: 1 URUN = 0,00125 ETH (1 ETH = 800 URUN)
  • Total number of tokens available: 80,000,000
  • Total tokens for sale: 60,000,000
  • Minimum goal (Soft Cap): 9,000,000 Tokens
  • Maximum target (Hard Cap): 60.000.000 Token
  • Currency received: ETH automatically (BTC, LTC, XRP, DASH - manually)


  • 50% - first 15 days before Sale
  • 40% - time remaining
  • 20% - to-ICO
  • 10% - first 10 days of ICO
  • 5% - 10 days later ICO 

Bonus :

  • 10% - September 1 - September 15th.
  • 7.5% - September 16 - September 30th.
  • 5% - October 1st - October 15th.
  • Minimum transaction amount = 0.05 ETH.
  • Current stage : Pre-Sale closed.

Token : URUN.
Token exchange rate : 1 URUN = 0.00125 ETH, (1 ETH = 800 URUN).
Unsold tokens will be distributed proportionally among those who purchase our tokens during the pre-Sales and ICO stages.


For more information, please visit the links below:
Author : X7+ bitcointalk profile:;u=1141171 eth address: 0xe3ffc631e711Bb8AE8aAc37458981C60923519c8
Gambar terkait
KuBitX will bridge the gap between banked and unbanked in Africa through a planned quality education program that will involve local people in each region using local KuBitX Channel Channels that will train individuals, reduce their learning curve by using their native language so they can also Take advantage the philosophy of Blockchain. Our goal is that in a short time regular and day to day people and businesses from small to large will use the KuBitX feature to exchange money from fiat to crypto or to make international payments cheaper. It is true that cryptocurrency and exchange platforms have come a long way but the current online crypto market situation still leaves much to be desired. From issues of liquidity and security issues to slow processing speeds and poor customer support, there is a lot wrong with this platform today. In fact the best of them excels in some areas but falls short of embarrassing on others.
To support crypto exchange, a very attractive platform, KuBitX has been set. The platform located in Malta aims to build an innovative and decentralized platform to facilitate crypto exchange for holders of crypto settlers as well as amateur entrepreneurs. This platform is a trading machine platform that is very easy to use, user-friendly and very secure. This platform has set the goal of facilitating the use and exposure of cryptocurrency in emerging markets. There is a problem with many platforms related to the location, because they are limited to a few places and can not be used in remote sectors. But this is an easy task for our KuBitX platform. This platform offers many advantages for all users without bias. This platform provides the best security by using advanced trading machines and sophisticated safe wallets. This platform issues a KBX decentralization mark which is used as the original token for the platform. Tokens can be used to pay trade fees and can also be converted to fiat currency. The use of this token creates a very affordable platform that serves to provide a direct interface and does not include intermediary pay terms. This platform ensures full transparency and never leaves a risky user's assets.
Therefore combining the best features of the top exchange in cryptoverse while removing their weakness is a very big task, but it's actually the role that KuBitX has done. That's why KuBitX exists, to devise a platform that embodies the significant transformational changes that we will all see in the blockchain industry. The culmination of many years of industry research and observation, KuBitX is designed to be the most transparent, intelligent, fast, secure, and reliable exchange available in the crypto world. The architecture of our multi-lingual platform features sophisticated APIs and financial integration that will ensure user-free transaction complexity and will ensure the highest level of efficiency and performance that can be expected from top-notch systems. We want your user experience to be consistently outstanding, which is why in addition to web platforms, our trading platforms will also be equally accessible on mobile devices, ensuring you have the best access anywhere, anywhere.
KuBitX Features:
  • The secure KuBitX wallet system and dashboard, which is very easy to use and will meet all your needs and questions.
  • Trading fees are as low as 0.025% and can be paid using KuBitX tokens, which are easily converted into crypto currency as well as Fiat money.
  • 24/7 customer support system supported by a very capable team.
  • The user-friendly web interface is very easy to use and will provide proper training even for beginners about functionality and ecosystem frameworks.
  • A global network offering services in five different languages.
  • KuBitX will soon launch its mobile app that can be used on Android and iOS.
  • A highly scalable platform with emerging new features developed to enhance the user experience.
KuBitX will emerge as the most diverse cryptocurrency market today and wants to capitalize on all emerging markets that eliminate demographic and geographic boundaries.
KuBitX Exchange has been created not only as a trading machine but a machine for developing emerging markets that helps in financial education, financial inclusion and Blockchain adoption by users. KuBitX plans to reach newly emerging areas and educate users even without access to Blockchain based adoption and offers multiple crypto for fiat exchange options.
  • HIGH SKALABILITY: The KuBitX platform is highly scalable, ready to receive new features to enhance our users' trading experience.
  • SAFE: KuBitX has made broad benchmarks with the current platform, which allows us to take some steps forward, plus our security team comes from the top organization.
  • BLOCKCHAIN: The KuBitX Token was originally based on the Ethereum blockchain. KuBitX plans to launch its own KuBitX chain in the near future which will then be very useful in many cases such as the most common social, utility, administrative and governance issues in developing countries.
  • Ecosystem: As a strong adherent in the peer to peer payment ecosystem, KuBitX believes that the traditional financial system will eventually be partially replaced due to degraded trust, censorship and an enlightened society.
  • LOW COST: The KuBitX platform delivers competitive and competitive trading costs that will be cheaper and more convenient by using our token.
  • MINIMAL RISK: The multi-signature wallet and cold storage strategy of KuBitX will minimize the exposure of its trader's funds. KuBitX has incorporated various strategies to secure funds traded on the KuBitX platform.
The KBX token will be used to pay trading fees on the KuBitX platform and any further use specified in the KuBitX White Book will be implemented in stages.
  • Ticker: KBX
  • Token Type: ERC20 (Ethereum)
  • Decimal: 18
  • Category / Algorithms: PoS
  • Total Supply: 500,000,000
  • Accepted Currency: ETH
  • Soft Cap: 10,000 ETH
  • Hard Cap: 25,000 ETH
  • TGE Details: Seed Round: Ongoing. Ended July 16, 2018.
  • Pre-Public Round: July 16 - August 31, 2018
  • General Round: TBC
Conclusion of KuBitX Project
KuBitX's idea of ​​making better platforms based on the existing model is frightfully appealing even though the margins of creativity and innovation are still far less benefits and changes. This is the answer to all your questions about blockchain and crypto currency, no matter if you are an existing user or a newcomer. This platform has the convenience to organize and use facilities that will make it very easy for us to go. This is a promising design and has a strong working model as well.
The Crypto Exchange platform has become one of the major tools in the blockbuster industry for easy and simple exchange of bitcoin, altcoin and token. Some existing platforms are only available in some countries due to government regulations, which exclude many merchants worldwide. In addition, the growth potential of the current exchange has collapsed due to the large number of new users, and some of these platforms have stopped the registration process due to the large number of new users. Platforms such as KuBitX will be required to meet the high demand of users when the platform does not currently offer their services.
For more information, please visit and join our KuBitX below:
Author : X7+
bitcointalk profile:;u=1141171
eth address: 0xe3ffc631e711Bb8AE8aAc37458981C60923519c8
Hasil gambar untuk kubitx bounty
KuBitX's idea of ​​making better platforms based on the existing model is frightfully appealing even though the margins of creativity and innovation are still far less benefits and changes. This is the answer to all your questions about blockchain and crypto currency, no matter if you are an existing user or a newcomer. This platform has the convenience to organize and use facilities that will make it very easy for us to go. This is a promising design and has a strong working model as well.

The Crypto Exchange platform has become one of the major tools in the blockbuster industry for easy and simple exchange of bitcoin, altcoin and token. Some existing platforms are only available in some countries due to government regulations, which exclude many merchants worldwide. In addition, the growth potential of the current exchange has collapsed due to the large number of new users, and some of these platforms have stopped the registration process due to the large number of new users. Platforms such as KuBitX will be required to meet the high demand of users when the platform does not currently offer their services.

KuBitX will bridge the gap between banked and unbanked in Africa through a planned quality education program that will involve local people in each region using local KuBitX Channel Channels that will train individuals, reduce their learning curve by using their native language so they can also Take advantage the philosophy of Blockchain. Our goal is that in a short time regular and day to day people and businesses from small to large will use the KuBitX feature to exchange money from fiat to crypto or to make international payments cheaper. It is true that cryptocurrency and exchange platforms have come a long way but the current online crypto market situation still leaves much to be desired. From issues of liquidity and security issues to slow processing speeds and poor customer support, there is a lot wrong with this platform today. In fact the best of them excels in some areas but falls short of embarrassing on others.

To support crypto exchange, a very attractive platform, KuBitX has been set. The platform located in Malta aims to build an innovative and decentralized platform to facilitate crypto exchange for holders of crypto settlers as well as amateur entrepreneurs. This platform is a trading machine platform that is very easy to use, user-friendly and very secure. This platform has set the goal of facilitating the use and exposure of cryptocurrency in emerging markets. There is a problem with many platforms related to the location, because they are limited to a few places and can not be used in remote sectors. But this is an easy task for our KuBitX platform. This platform offers many advantages for all users without bias. This platform provides the best security by using advanced trading machines and sophisticated safe wallets. This platform issues a KBX decentralization mark which is used as the original token for the platform. Tokens can be used to pay trade fees and can also be converted to fiat currency. The use of this token creates a very affordable platform that serves to provide a direct interface and does not include intermediary pay terms. This platform ensures full transparency and never leaves a risky user's assets.

Therefore combining the best features of the top exchange in cryptoverse while removing their weakness is a very big task, but it's actually the role that KuBitX has done. That's why KuBitX exists, to devise a platform that embodies the significant transformational changes that we will all see in the blockchain industry. The culmination of many years of industry research and observation, KuBitX is designed to be the most transparent, intelligent, fast, secure, and reliable exchange available in the crypto world. The architecture of our multi-lingual platform features sophisticated APIs and financial integration that will ensure user-free transaction complexity and will ensure the highest level of efficiency and performance that can be expected from top-notch systems. We want your user experience to be consistently outstanding, which is why in addition to web platforms, our trading platforms will also be equally accessible on mobile devices, ensuring you have the best access anywhere, anywhere.

KuBitX Features:

  • The secure KuBitX wallet system and dashboard, which is very easy to use and will meet all your needs and questions.
  • Trading fees are as low as 0.025% and can be paid using KuBitX tokens, which are easily converted into crypto currency as well as Fiat money.
  • 24/7 customer support system supported by a very capable team.
  • The user-friendly web interface is very easy to use and will provide proper training even for beginners about functionality and ecosystem frameworks.
  • A global network offering services in five different languages.
  • KuBitX will soon launch its mobile app that can be used on Android and iOS.
  • A highly scalable platform with emerging new features developed to enhance the user experience.

KuBitX will emerge as the most diverse cryptocurrency market today and wants to capitalize on all emerging markets that eliminate demographic and geographic boundaries.

KuBitX Exchange has been created not only as a trading machine but a machine for developing emerging markets that helps in financial education, financial inclusion and Blockchain adoption by users. KuBitX plans to reach newly emerging areas and educate users even without access to Blockchain based adoption and offers multiple crypto for fiat exchange options.

  • Token Name : Kubitcoin, (KBX).
  • Token Type : ERC-20
  • Total Supply : 500,000,000
  • Price 1 ETH = 8,909.09 KuBitcoin (KBX).
  • Currencies Accepted : ETH.
  • Soft Cap : 10,000 ETH.
  • Hard Cap : 25,000 ETH.
  • Private Round Bonus : 20%.
  • Public Round Bonus : 10%.
  • Unsold Tokens All : Burned.
Distribution of Tokens and Fund Allocations.
Token Allocation :
  • Bounty and Airdrop : 2%.
  • Board Advisor : 3%.
  • General Round : 16%.
  • KuBitX Investment Fund : 20%.
  • Founder and Developer Team : 23%.
  • Pre-Public Round : 36%.
Fund Distribution :
  • Partnership : 5%.
  • Law : 7.5%.
  • Operation : 12.5%.
  • Technology : 15%.
  • Promotion / Marketing : 15%.
  • Reserve : 15%.
  • Liquidity : 30%.
For more information on ICO and Token development, you can see two directly in the Link below :
KuBitX Roadmap.
Advisory Team.
Know. Have it. Secure.
For all the latest information from the development of this KuBitX project, you can see directly through all Links below :

Author : X7+
bitcointalk profile:;u=1141171
eth address: 0xe3ffc631e711Bb8AE8aAc37458981C60923519c8


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